This cursive version is in the MPR State library and its photocopy is in the funds of the Institute of orienal sciences of the USSR Academy of sciences (inv. 1949 F. A. 131), 293 sheets. It is entitled: “The chapter of pacifying the djin-Satam ruler from the story of the venerable Geser-khan of Lin”.
The subtitle: “The description of a number of the battles in the country of Djan-Lin by the world khan Geser”.
This manuscript was found in the 20th in the library of Bogdo-gegen. The manuscript was so old that it was not possible to make photocopies. Therefore it was rewritten and made from that copy was the photocopy that I brought in 1947 from the MPR Committee of sciences to the USSR Academy of sciences to change for the photocopy of another manuscript.
This manuscript is wholly devoted to the 9-year Geser’s war with the king of Satam. That war was a lengthy one, after armistices or truces the wars were frequently resumed on account of the abaction. The chapter starts with the moment of Geser-khan’s arrival to the Satam country (this country is often called Djan-Satam. The word (jang) Djan is sometimes translated to Mongolian as the word Solongos – “Korea” (IOS, the USSR AS, Mong. Mns/ p. 51) and finishes with Geser’s victory and the conquest of the Satam country.
Nothing in this chapter is said of the preparation for war but narrated in detail of the victory of Geser over Satam and of the enthronement the son of the dethroned tsar of Satam by name of Yutti (“Jula” with David-Neel).
This chapter is lacking in the Mongolian and Buryat versions. It presents a certain interest on the part of its contents therefore we give below its brief rendering.
Eighteen large and small regiments of Geser-khan’s troops were located in the Tsal-ra steppe on the territory of Satam opposite the enemies. The Satam warriors were commanded by Bertul and Djurlakha.
In the morning the Satam bogatyr Choyidjil started the fight with Geser’s bogatyr Danma and was killed by him. Then the commander-in-chief Bertul attacked Danma. He threw a loop on Danma and with the help of the three satam warriors attempted at drawing him from his horse but Geser’s celestial sister tore up the loop and Danma safely came back to his troops.
A few days later one of Geser’s bogatyrs, Sroma by name, obtained a golden baton-ocir (wacir), that geser needed to capture one of the souls of the Satam khan that was hidden under the guise of the black bear.
Tsoton meditated for a whole week in order to revive the baton. As soon as he managed it he threw it at the camp of the satam khan. The baton broke through the wall of the iron house, the bear wanted to run away but Tsoton and Geser killed him with an arrow from the bow. The selestial patron of the tsar of satam Teuran informed the khan of danger and the latter started immediately to erect the fortifications and restore the iron house. Geser’s celestial sisters informed him of that. At that time the satam bogatyr Bertul shot an arrow at Danma but the arrow merely wounded his horse. Danma managed to thrust the knife in Bertul’s right shoulder.
Entering the battle the next day was the satam second commander-in-chief Djurlkha. The old prince Tsargin recognized him at once and addressed his warriors with an appeal. He said: “Who has got aa arrow just shoot, who’s got a knife just chop, who’s got a pike just chop too”. During the fight Djurlkha killed Rontsa (Geser’s brother). After the battle a worn out Djurlkha scarcely having reached his own warriors fell down.
The battle went on. To go on with the fight there came out Bertul who recovered from the wounds and was accompanied by five bogatyrs. On the part of Geser’s warriors there some out Sroma and Danma. The arrow of one of Bertul’s companions struck through the front arch of Danma’ pommel and wounded him but he managed to shoot an arrow and killed his adversary.
Geser sets out for the celestial country to get a pearl key that is needed to kill one of the most evil embodiments of the soul of the satam khan, namel the poisonous black snake. Because Danma is wounded and Geser left Tsargin making attempts at establishing peace for a while sends to the satam khan the bogaturs Gunma and Sroma with 200 men to conduct the peace talks. The satams who had great losses in war after some hesitations agreed to conclude a peace treaty for a week.
Geser having come to the celestialы asks a pearl key from his father Tsanba . The father sends him to helmet Arshi. But arshi does not give him the key. Then Geser threatens him with his bow and arrows, Arshi is frightened and gives the key.
Geser comes back to his camp on the sixth day of the cessation of arms. In the morning on the seventh day the satam troops began to get ready for the battle. Soon from the rows of the satam bogatyrs there came out Balgan-Tulu and began to fight with Danma who was in command of the western wing of Geser’s troops. Balgan-Tuly threw an iron snake onto Danma.
At this time Danma threw at him a loop. Having sharply jerked it Danma dislocated his right shoulder but he did not get confused was going to strike his adversary with a peak that was in his left hand but Balgan-Tulu managed to run away. During the battle that continued up to the very evening one third of Satam’s army was killed whereas 100 Geser’s warriors were killed. After that with the help of the pearl key Geser managed to kill the poisonous snake which appeared to be the incarnation of satam-khan’s soul.
Once the satam bogatyrs agreed to attack Geser and kill him and Danma. At the start of the battle there appeared the three birds in the sky. Geser understood tha those were the souls of the satam khan, he wanted to shoot at them but he did not want to waste the arrow. Tsoton threw at them a balin (a victim figure) and hilled them. The birds fell down on the heads of the satam bogatyrs Djurlkhu and Bertul. Thinking it to be a bad sign the bogaryrs lost hearts but sill made up their mind to fight.
Geser’s bogatur Khukhen shot at djurlkha but the latter managed to throw at him the snowlike loop and carried closer to himself. The other Geser’s bogatyr , Brugdjal by name shot at balgan-Tulu. At this time someone’s sword fell on Brugdjal’s head and killed him. Balgan-Tulu threw the snake-like loop on Geser’s third bogatyr, Gerde by name but the latter tore off the loop and with an arrow killed his adversary. On that day killed also was the second satam bogatyr Serig-Gadbu.
The satam bogatyrs interrogated the captive bogatyr Khu-khen and threatened to cut out his heart but he resolutely refused to give any evidence. He was about to be killed but Bertul said that he should be put in prison. In Geser’s camp there was great confusion and disarray because all were sure that the next day that Khukhen would be built. Tsoton performed a praying ceremony to save khu-khen and that one tore the rope and ran away at night.
The next day Tsoton threw the balin that had been made beforehand into Satam’s army and geser shot at him with his father’s arrow. Many of the satam warriors died. One of the satam bogatyrs getting very angry threw on Tsoton the glistening sunny loop and drew him to himself. The three bogatyrs intended to kill Tsoton with a knife but Tsoton wishing to save himself pronounced a traitor’s speech. And at that time a few bogatyrs from Geser’s army attacked the satamese, saved Tsoton and destroyed a great number of the enemies.
The satam warriors said: “If this all goes on like this then in a few days no one of us is going to remain alive. It is needed to make peace”. Once in the morning Djurlkha attacked Geser’s warriors and killed 30 warriors but when riding fell from his horse into a poisonous lake and died.
On Tsargin's request Geser's official Merva acompanied by 100 men went to the Satamese to make a proposal to conclude a peace treaty. The Satamese sent their bogatyr Badma-Chondan to hold negotiations. Geser's wife Bumdjid signed a treaty with Badma-Choyindan and they went away to inform their khans of the results achieved.
But the satam commander Bertul did not agree to conclude a peace treaty. He raised all the warriors for a decisive battle. There was a big battle during which more than 100 warriors from Geser’s army were killed and with the satams Dondud and Lagrin and some others perished.
After this bloody battle Tsargin again began to insist on peaceful negotiations. With this aim on the satamese’s part there came Badma-Choidan. Geser’s part was presented by a lady-khan Bumdjid and dignitary, high officials Merva, Sroma and Gunba.
Both the sides when signing a peace treaty promised not to break it. To carry on the final negotiations on the request of Tsargin a decision was made to invite Geser’s another wife Rogmo. Khukhen and Sroma set out to bring her. The next day after their departure the satamese again attack Geser’s troops.
Coming against the satam bogatyr Chimed was the old man by name of Danma. During the fight he fell down from the horse but when falling he managed to shoot an arrow that wounded Chimid on the shoulder. Coming to defend Danma was Tsoton. However the wounded Chimed ran away.
The satam khan seeing that his army had become twice as less ordered to gather 8 thousand horsemen. Arriving at Geser’s camp at the time was his spouse Rogmo. Geser sent her and the suite accompanying her to the satamese for conducting the peaceful talks. After long negotiations with the representative of the satamese badma-Choidan the peaceful agreement was concluded.
Once a few Geser’s high-rank officers drove away the satams’ herd of cows and two flocks of sheep. The hostilities started. The warriors of both the parts were put on a war footing, but for as long as six months there were no open fights and battles.
Geser’s celestial father – Tsanba warned him that the satamese made up their mind to srart the battle. Then Geser divided his troops into four parts and directed them against the satamese. The satamese commander Lagrin shot at Geser’s bogatyrs, Nibum and Tarlu. But they missed and Nibum with his arrow killed Lagrin. One of the satamese bogatyrs Dashi wanted to kill danma with his peak but was himself killed. Another Satam commander Tsalmar shot at Talkha but the latter killed him with a peak.
Besides, perishing in this battle on Geser’s part were Gerde, Ripchen and a few others. The satamese lost Dugmi, Midara, Dagtula and many other young and old warriors. In the evening Geser’s warriors collected the heads of the satamese killed at his camp. Tsoton began to boast of his own heroism and ascribed to himself the majority of the killed. Geser gave a smile and said nothing but the old man Tsargin began to disapprove of Tsoton’s conduct. Then there was the feast in honor of the victory.
The satamese commanders got together in the headquarters of his khan and told him that remaining of their army was only one third. The commander of the troops Bertul said angrily: “You, khan, keep sitting quietly. Many warriors and commanders have been killed. What do you think of? The bloodshedding fights have been going on for already nine years”.
Then the khan cried out: “No need to grieve, the failure is temporary; it is just tomorrow that I am going to trample down all Geser’s troops. We’ll eat their meat and drink their hot blood”. The next day the satam khan dressed in the blue clothes began to pray to the Heavens asking for help. Then the satamese troops headed by the khan moved against Geser and located their troops near the lake. Tsoton volunteered to go and make agreement with the satamese khan but Tsargin convinced him off.
Geser came to the lake and left his horse in the forest and himself turned into an iron bee and having bitten the satam khan hilled him. All the satamese were in grief but Bertul inspired his warriors and himself attacked Geser. They both dismounted and started the hand-to-hand fight. Geser with a knife killed Bartul and himself only got a few strokes of a knut. The satam troops were defeated. The satam commanders Djagtu and Serlkha offered all those left alive to surrender and capitulate to Geser the winner.
The commander Chimid told them: “What should be done further on, Make a decision all by yourself. As for me the only thing to do is to run to some other alien country”. With these words he dietributed all the armor, silk and tea to his warriors and what was left in the storehouse he threw out into the water and burnt the storehouse. The satam prince Yuti was at a loss and could make uphis mind. Serlkha and Djaktu said goodbye to Yuti and Badma-Choida-nom and ran with their suite to India.
Geser at night gave the bogatyrs Nibum and Basen 100 warriors and put them on guard in the valley Ser. He put Danmu and Mudjan with one hundred warriors to be on guard at the foot of the Wild Boar hill to arrest the runaways.
The next day the three young warriors from the satam army attacked Geser’s troops but were killed. The guards sent before killed Serkhu and Djagtu who ran to India and brought their heads and hands. On that day Geser’s troops occupied the palace of the satam khan, enthroned the prince Yuti and took his oath of loyalty. Since then the country of Satam became subject to and dependent on Geser.
Geser left in the country of Satam Nibum and Bal as commanders with 500 warriors for a term of a year and himself together with his own warriors and the rest of the commanders came back to his capital. The rejoicing inhabitants greeted him with music, they feasted for a whole month. Then Geser distributed all the trophy among the warriors and let them go home.
Lama Vanchug – Djaltsan and Tsargin began to ask Geser in honor of the victory to forgive bogatyr Annu-Chenon staying in jail for betrayal. Geser complied with their request.